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What is a Financial Regulatory Check & Why Is It Important?

Hiring in regulated industries? Learn how a financial regulatory check can help you keep your hiring practices secure and compliant.
Financial Regulatory Check

In today’s tightly regulated financial landscape, ensuring compliance is indispensable. According to Fenergo, global financial institutions faced a 57% surge in penalties for non-compliance with AML and regulatory standards in 2023. This alarming trend highlights the need for thorough financial regulatory checks in the hiring process. It helps employers ensure that potential hires meet industry standards and safeguards organizations from hefty penalties. In regulated industries like banking, and insurance, conducting a financial regulatory check is even more essential for maintaining the organization’s integrity. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of this check, what it verifies, legal considerations, and more.

What is a Financial Regulatory Check?

A financial regulatory check is a comprehensive screening process that reveals details of a candidate’s past involvement in financially regulated organizations (FinTech, insurance, investment management to name some). This process also scrutinizes whether a candidate has faced any disciplinary action by a financial regulatory body (e.g., – HKMA in Hong Kong, MAS in Singapore ) or has any record of financial sanction imposed by one or more countries. 

The findings of this check not only help employers assess a candidate’s suitability for a particular position but also identify potential risks beforehand. In industries subject to strict regulatory guidelines, employers must pay special attention to financial regulatory checks. This ensures that their organization remains safe from facing legal consequences due to non-compliance or negligent hiring practices.

What Does Financial Regulatory Check Verify?

Financial regulatory checks are commonly used when hiring individuals for key roles within an organization, such as directors, insurance brokers, investment bankers, and mortgage brokers. These checks verify several aspects of the candidate’s background, including:

Employment history in financial sectors: Confirms the candidate’s previous roles in financial institutions and their involvement in regulated activities (e.g., trading, underwriting, financial advising, etc.)

Disciplinary records and violations: Examines whether any disciplinary actions have been imposed on the candidate by financial regulatory bodies. This helps assess the candidate’s trustworthiness and reliability in fulfilling their job responsibilities.

Financial sanctions and penalties: Identifies any financial sanctions or penalties imposed on the candidate by regulatory authorities in one or more countries. This evaluation reflects the candidate’s financial prudence and responsibility.

Regulatory compliance: Ensures that the candidate has adhered to industry regulations and has not engaged in activities that could jeopardize the organization’s compliance status.

Fraud allegations: Investigate any involvement in allegations of financial fraud or misconduct by the candidate.

Criminal records: Checks for any past criminal convictions, especially those related to financial misconduct.

Identifying Potential Risks in a Financial Regulatory Check

Financial regulatory checks not only provide crucial insights into a candidate’s background but also help identify potential risks associated with hiring. These risks can range from non-compliance with industry regulations to involvement in unethical financial practices. Detecting these risks early in the hiring process enables employers to make informed decisions, ultimately safeguarding their organization’s reputation and financial stability. Here are some of the risks that  a comprehensive financial regulatory check can mitigate:

Reputation damage: Hiring a candidate with a history of financial misconduct can severely damage an organization’s hard-earned reputation, leading to negative publicity. Such damage can be irreparable, eroding the trust of clients, customers, and all other stakeholders.

Financial loss: Employees prone to financial mismanagement may be more susceptible to theft or fraud. Identifying these risks is crucial to protecting the organization from significant financial losses. The Occupation Fraud Report 2024 highlights that employee fraud causes approximately $60,000 median losses to organizations.

Regulatory violations: Hiring a candidate with a history of regulatory violations could expose the organization to legal consequences, including fines, penalties, and even license revocation.

By carefully assessing a candidate’s background and identifying associated risks on time, organizations can not only identify potential risks but also save thousands of dollars and prevent negative publicity.

Top Reasons Why Employers Should Conduct Financial Regulatory Checks

Conducting thorough financial regulatory checks is essential for organizations across various industries. These checks not only ensure compliance with relevant laws but also contribute significantly to the overall success of an organization. Here are the top reasons why employers should prioritize financial regulatory checks during the hiring process:

Maintain compliance: Ensuring that all employees adhere to financial regulations is crucial for avoiding costly financial penalties, legal issues, and other legal repercussions. Therefore,  focusing on financial regulatory checks demonstrates an organization’s strong commitment to operate within legal frameworks and industry standards.

Protect company reputation: Hiring individuals with clean regulatory records helps preserve and enhance the organization’s reputation in the market. A strong reputation not only attracts customers, investors, and top talent but also contributes to sustained business growth.

Reduce financial Risks: Identifying candidates with histories of regulatory violations enables employers to minimize the risk of internal financial misconduct, fraud, and mismanagement. This proactive step safeguards the company’s valuable assets and financial stability.

Enhance stakeholder trust: Consistent regulatory compliance builds and maintains trust among stakeholders, including investors, clients, partners, and employees. It also demonstrates integrity and accountability and fosters strong and long-lasting relationships which is essential for the success of any business.

Legal Considerations While Conducting Financial Regulatory Check

Conducting a financial regulatory check requires meticulous attention to legal considerations to ensure compliance and protect the organization from potential liabilities. Additionally, adherence to these legal considerations maintains the integrity and transparency of the hiring process. Here are some key legal aspects to keep in mind:

Compliance with data protection laws: There are specific laws in every country that govern the collection and storage of personal data, ensuring that the candidate’s privacy rights are respected. Therefore, while collecting personal data for financial regulatory checks, employers must adhere to the guidelines outlined by data protection laws applicable to a jurisdiction. For instance, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU, and the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Singapore, govern the personal data collection, storage, and disposal methods in their respective jurisdictions.

Adhere to AML regulations: Ensure that financial regulatory checks comply with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. This includes verifying that candidates do not have a history of involvement in money laundering or financial crimes, which could pose a risk of penalties to the organization.

Adhere to industry-specific regulations: Different countries and industries may have specific regulations regarding the hiring of individuals for financial roles. For instance, in the United States, the Dodd-Frank Act imposes strict requirements on hiring practices in the financial industry. Similarly, in Hong Kong, the Mandatory Reference Checking Scheme instructs that conducting reference checks should be included in the hiring process for banks. Thus, employers must be aware of and comply with these industry-specific guidelines to avoid legal repercussions.

Comply with anti-discrimination laws: Ensure that financial regulatory checks do not discriminate against candidates based on protected characteristics such as race, religion, gender, or national origin. Also, take steps to mitigate bias in the background check process and ensure that hiring decisions are solely based on relevant and non-discriminatory factors.

Maintain thorough documentation: Keep detailed records of the financial regulatory check process, including consent forms, screening results, and all the follow-up actions. This documentation serves as evidence of compliance and can protect the organization in the event of any future legal challenge. It also ensures consistency and fairness in the hiring process.

By carefully considering these legal factors and adhering to applicable laws and regulations, employers can conduct financial regulatory checks in a compliant and ethical manner, protecting both the interest of an organization and the privacy rights of candidates.

Best Practices to Follow While Conducting Financial Regulatory Check

To conduct effective financial regulatory checks, employers should follow the best practices prevalent for employee background checks in general and financial regulatory checks in particular. Some of the best practices include the following:

Obtain clear consent: Always obtain explicit and written consent from the candidate before conducting the check. Also, mention the purpose of data collection in consent forms.

Maintain confidentiality: Handle the information obtained with the utmost confidentiality and limit access to authorized personnel only, in order to prevent data breaches or abuse.

Stay updated on regulations: Stay up-to-date with the latest financial regulations in order to ensure that your organization’s screening practices comply with current legal standards.

Practice data minimization: Adhere to the principle of data minimization whenever possible, by collecting only the information necessary to conduct the check.

Partner with reputable screening providers: Navigating the complex legalities associated with financial regulatory checks can be challenging. Therefore, it is advisable to partner with reputable background screening providers that adhere to industry standards and prioritize compliance.

By following these best practices and maintaining transparency throughout the hiring process, employers can ensure seamless hiring and build the dream workforce for their organization.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the typical turnaround time for a financial regulatory check?

The turnaround time for a financial regulatory check can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the check, the jurisdiction involved, and the specific background check provider. However, in the majority of cases, it can be completed within 3-5 business days.

What specific roles require a financial regulatory check?

Financial regulatory checks are mostly required for roles involving financial management, such as:

  • Senior management positions   
  • Financial analysts and advisors
  • Compliance officers
  • Positions involving risk management
  • Positions within financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, investment firms).
How far back in time do financial regulatory checks typically look?

The depth of a financial regulatory check can vary depending on the role and industry. However, most checks typically look back at least seven years. Sometimes it may extend beyond this time frame to identify any potential red flags or regulatory issues.

Is it possible to conduct a financial regulatory check for international applicants?

Yes, it is possible to conduct financial regulatory checks for international applicants. However, the process can be more complex due to differences in regulatory frameworks between countries. In such cases, partnering with a background screening provider with global operations is recommended. Since dedicated local support can help navigate the nuances of varying regulatory requirements and accelerate the screening process.

Can a candidate's employment eligibility be affected by the findings of the financial regulatory check?

Yes, if the check reveals any serious regulatory issues or criminal convictions related to financial matters, it may impact the candidate’s employment eligibility.

Are there any industries where financial regulatory checks are mandatory?

Financial regulatory checks are mandatory in several industries (for related/ relevant roles only) including:

  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Investment management
  • Securities trading
  • Real estate
  • Healthcare

To sum up, in industries where compliance and financial integrity are paramount, conducting thorough financial regulatory checks is essential for safeguarding an organization’s reputation and minimizing risks. These checks not only help in filtering out candidates with suspicious records but also protect an organization from potential liabilities. By incorporating best practices, such as obtaining explicit consent, complying with data protection laws, and carefully assessing legal considerations, employers can make better hiring decisions that build trust with stakeholders and contribute to an organization’s long-term success.

Whether you are hiring for roles in banking, insurance, or investment, a comprehensive financial regulatory check is a crucial step in maintaining the integrity and stability of your organization. As Warren Buffett once said, “Reputation is built over years and can be destroyed in minutes. Protect it with your life.”

Hiring in Regulated Industries?

Don’t leave compliance to chance—get in touch with CheckMinistry! We provide thorough financial regulatory checks to keep your hiring practices secure and compliant.

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